English learning for gardeners


How to grow Torenia トレニアの育て方②




How to Grow a Wishbone Flower

To successfully grow a wishbone flower plant, start seeds indoors a few weeks before outdoor soil will warm or purchase small bedding plants at your local garden center. Or, sow seeds directly into the flower bed a week or so after the last frost date in your area. Seeds of the Torenia wishbone flower need light to germinate; cover lightly or simply press them gently into moist soil.

Location of the wishbone flower is important to its long lasting success. While the wishbone plant is adaptable, it prefers a rich, consistently moist and well-draining soil in an area with morning sun and afternoon shade. Hotter summer seasons necessitate more afternoon shade for the wishbone flower. In fact, even in the hottest areas, the wishbone flower plant will bloom profusely in a mostly shaded area.





 start seeds  種まきを始める、でしょうか。特に難解ではないのですが、文法として変ですよね。seed は動詞か名詞かどっちなの!?と言いたくなります。でも、start seedsでたくさんヒットするので、これで一つの単語として成り立っているようです。

