English learning for gardeners











Brian Minter: Plant traditions an integral part of Lunar New Year




Ahead of the Lunar New Year on Feb. 16, Postmedia gardening expert Brian Minter explores the traditional meaning of plants and flowers for the occasion.




Lunar New Year (the Year of the Dog begins Feb. 16.) is an important cultural event, and it is celebrated with plants and flowers that have significant historical meanings.  




In the horticultural industry, we tend to think plants of Asian origin such as bonsai, lucky bamboo and money plants are relevant and important to mark this occasion, but that isn’t necessarily so.






For some clarification, Postmedia news talked to Richmond experts Ming Wu of Garden in Gardens Nursery and Paul Wong of Wong’s Greenhouse and Nursery. 




 Wong told me that the various meanings of certain plants are based on centuries-old superstitions and are usually representative of wealth, health, prosperity, family and personal well-being.  Originating in China, the symbolic meanings of certain plants can vary by region, and are shared by many Asian countries, like Vietnam and Indonesia, and in countries that follow the Chinese calendar. 





certain plants :ある特定の植物、この場合は旧正月に欠かせない植物のことですね。私だったら、the plantsと言ってしまいそうですね。こういう時、certainを使えばいいんですね。

vary by:~によって違う。vary withなんかも使われますね。便利な表現ですよね。


How relevant are these floral connections to Canadians of Chinese heritage today? 



 “It’s amazing,” Wong said.  “We setup a booth in the Aberdeen Centre in Richmond featuring the most significant plants used to celebrate the Chinese New Year, and we see folks of all ages.  Many families, of course, but also lots of young couples. “




外国人の街角インタビューとか見ていると、It's amazing.から始まる人、多いですよね。


“The essence of this tradition is for families to go out on the eve of Chinese New Year to purchase plants or flowers at the opening bud stage, and have them open up overnight.  This will bring good luck to the family all year.”




Wong says there are five important plants or flowers.  No. 1 is the orange tree, particularly the calamondin orange, which is smaller and has lots of fruit.  Lemons, too, are popular because orange and yellow symbolize gold. 




“The more fruit, the better luck,” he said.  Both growers bring in orange trees about a year ahead of time to grow them on in their greenhouses, making sure they produce lots of fruit in time for the special occasion.  Wu, with his son Kevin, said the fragrance is also important, to fend off bad luck and bring more good luck.




Peach blossoms rank second in importance.  Open blossoms symbolize good luck in one’s personal life and with family members.  In addition, peaches are very much a symbol of longevity.  An ancient legend says that “the peach of immortality” bloomed only once in 1000 years. For anyone in business, peach blossoms are believed to bring in more customers, meaning greater prosperity and growth,  and they also help with romance.




3番目はChinese sacred lily(スイセン)、4番目はPussy willows (バッコヤナギ)、5番目にGladioli(グラジオラス)を挙げています。




 It’s always interesting to learn more about the many cultures that make up our Canadian mosaic, so that we will have a greater understanding and appreciation of our country’s diversity. 





カナダの、特にバンクーバーはアジア人が多いイメージがありますが、Canadian mosaicは固有名詞としてよく使われているようです。




Canadians often describe their country as a “mosaic.”




 Canadians hold great pride in this idea, placing it on the progressive end of a spectrum opposite to the American melting pot



↑ かなり訳があやしい💦 メルティングポットとは違う、と言いたいようです。メルティングポットにネガティブなイメージはありませんが、モザイクには、個々の文化は独立しているが、皆で一つの絵を作り上げているようなイメージがあり、いいですね。カナダにそのような考え方があるとは知りませんでした。

